人気デザイナーミジェロブルー (Mijello Blue) 15mlチューブ ミッションゴールドクラス(透明水彩絵具) ミジェロ


Mijello Blue 15ml Tube - MIJELLO Mission Gold Class Watercolor

SKU: MWC-1503E-W547
Pigment: PB27, PR202 | Series: E
Lightfastness: Extremely Lightfast
Transparency/Opacity: Semi-Transparent
Staining: Semi-Staining

Mission Gold Class paints are made with the highest quality pigments and offer excellent light-fastness and guaranteed optimal color expression. The Mission Gold Watercolor line consists of 126 unique colors that can be purchased individually or in our Mission Gold Class sets or Mission Gold Pure Pigment sets.

OUR STANDARDS - Mission Watercolor's 5 Highest Standards

1. The Finest quality pigments with Superior Lightfastness
Mission Watercolors use modern technologies to bring the finest quality pigments from around the world to every artist's palette. Exceptional lightfastness and vivid colors will surpass all expectations, adding dynamic permanence to professional artworks.

2. Color Uniformity
Experience consistent color strength and formation through Mission Watercolor's differentiated core technology.

3. Exceptional Solvency
Mission Watercolors offer outstanding color control through their superior solvency, easily allowing a damp brush to revitalize paint, even from dry palettes.

4. Non-toxic and non-chemical additives
Mission Watercolors are created exclusively with non-toxic pigments and non-chemical additives. Our colors are intensely pigmented without gummy thickening agents that can hinder brilliance-resulting in unparalleled color and vibrancy.

5. Cadmium Free, Cosmetic-Grade Preservatives
Mission Watercolors surpass industry standards by using only cosmetic grade preservatives that are free of cadmium and formaldehyde. All 126 colors have obtained AP certification from ACMI, ensuring our products are all 100 harmless to humans.


人気デザイナーミジェロブルー (Mijello Blue) 15mlチューブ ミッションゴールドクラス(透明水彩絵具) ミジェロ

¥1430 ¥1144

(税込) 送料込み



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コメント (41)

  • terusumi
  • あざらし54
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  • ニャン豚
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ホーム 人気デザイナーミジェロブルー (Mijello Blue) 15mlチューブ ミッションゴールドクラス(透明水彩絵具) ミジェロ
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